Sunday, August 24, 2014

Letters from last year

This is a lesson that comes slowly to many people. They have too little patience with their nature's pace. There are too easily discouraged by their partial successes or repeated failures. In their immaturity, they are not willing to continue their efforts with such slow visible progress. They grow tired of reading the same matter, thinking the same thoughts, striving for the same virtues, and facing the same defects. They do not realize that as long as they are in this life, temptations will continue to face them. Labors will still require their attention and energy. Suffering of body, mind or soul will always be present in some degree.  Once when they have arrived before the judgment seat of God may they hope to hear the words: "Well Done, good and faithful servant." Only then will their task of striving for Christian perfection be over. 
Anthony J. Paone, S.J. 

A year ago, the pastor of the Support and Recovery Ministry had all of us working in the ministry fill out a form answering two questions:
  1. What do you want to see God do IN you this year?
  2. What do you want to see God do THROUGH you this year?  
A few days ago, I got an envelope in the mail from church containing my answers.

1.  In me ... Grant me the graces to deal with the crises without losing a sense of peace or my sense of humor.
2.  Through me ... Bring hope to the hopeless and encouragement to the discouraged.

My husband and I looked at our answers ... he filled it out, too.  And he said, "Well, I saw you bring hope to the hopeless and encouragement to the discouraged.  That actually did happen. And you did keep your sense of humor."

Keeping my sense of peace ... not so much. I immediately felt like I had failed, but the words from Anthony Paone, which I cut out and pasted on a card decades ago,  are a good reminder that we are never going to be 100% successful in our goals. My sense of peace is often tied to my ability to stay in the present moment.  So that's what I'll write on the card if asked about it this year at ministry kick-off.  

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